
Our attorneys provide timely updates on important news items affecting you and your business.

News Alert
October 9, 2020

Executive Order Warns Government Contractors About Race or Sex Stereotyping

A recent executive order from President Donald Trump could cause some chang...

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News Alert
July 21, 2020

My Company Performed Diversity Training. Now What?

(This article originally appeared on the Lancaster Chamber’s web...

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News Alert
June 12, 2020

EEOC Addresses Thorny COVID-19 Issues

With more and more facets of the workforce returning to work, the Equal Emp...

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News Alert
May 1, 2020

DOL Letter Clarifies COVID-19 Unemployment Benefits

A person who refuses to return to work when a business reopens just so they...

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News Alert
April 24, 2020

Pennsylvania Issues Guidance to Reopening of Construction Industry

The construction industry is looking forward to its May 1 reopening date, b...

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News Alert
March 25, 2020

COVID-19: Federal Guidance on Paid Sick Leave and Extended FMLA

While the employer community awaits regulations from the U.S. Department of...

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News Alert
March 19, 2020

President Trump Signs Federal “Families First Coronavirus Response Act”

President Donald Trump has signed the federal Families First Coronavirus Re...

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News Alert
March 16, 2020

House Passes Emergency “Families First Coronavirus Response Act”

An emergency bill targeted to help families during the coronavirus outbreak...

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News Alert
March 13, 2020

Coronavirus and an Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan

(Note: This is Part 3 in a series of alerts for employers concerning the co...

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News Alert
February 25, 2020

Are CBD Products Permitted for DOT Drivers?

Based on a recent compliance notice from the U.S. Food and Drug Administrat...

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News Alert
February 13, 2020

Philadelphia Employers, Beware: Don’t Ask About Salary History

A three-year court battle concerning a controversial Philadelphia ordinance...

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News Alert
January 15, 2020

Case Law Starts to Develop for Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act

A Pennsylvania judge has made the first move to clarify an employer’s lia...

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