
Our attorneys provide timely updates on important news items affecting you and your business.

News Alert
March 23, 2020

The Payroll Tax Credit in the Federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act

While last week’s Federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act will require employers to provide paid sick lea...

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News Alert
March 23, 2020

Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Operations Updates

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue has been very busy over the last week updating its operations as it determines a plan ...

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News Alert
March 23, 2020

Environmental Compliance in the Time of COVID-19

Now that the Gov. Tom Wolf has ordered the closure of non-life-sustaining businesses across Pennsylvania, questions arise as ...

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News Alert
March 23, 2020

LATEST UPDATE: Business Closure List

The information contained in this alert has been updated. Please click here to see the most current information.

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News Alert
March 23, 2020

LATEST UPDATE: Business Closure List

The information contained in this alert has been updated. Please click here to see the most current information.

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News Alert
March 23, 2020

COVID-19 and Benefit Plan Considerations

As employers scramble to deal with the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic, there are any number of employee...

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News Alert
March 21, 2020

UPDATE: Business Closure List, New Enforcement Deadline

The information contained in this alert has been updated. Please click here to see the most current information.

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News Alert
March 20, 2020

Hospitality Industry: Listen to the Governor

With the governor’s new order to close all non-life-essential businesses, bars and restaurants across Pennsylvania remain o...

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News Alert
March 20, 2020

HIPAA in the Days of Coronavirus

Effective communication is of paramount concern in the current public health crisis, including essential communication with p...

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News Alert
March 20, 2020

Changes to Standardized Testing and Student Loan Repayments

Student Assessment Waivers Earlier today, due to the nationwide school closures over the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Departme...

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News Alert
March 19, 2020

Governor Orders Immediate Closure of All “Non-Life-Sustaining” Businesses

The information contained in this alert has been updated. Please click here to see the most current information.

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News Alert
March 19, 2020

Coronavirus Forces Delay in Federal, State Tax Deadlines

UPDATE March 23, 10 a.m.: In addition to changing the tax payment day, the federal government has now extended the filin...

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